Book Writing and Publishing Boot Camp, Blogging for Business Success, Writing Camp
Write, Publish and Market Your First Book!
Start Your Blog!
Sign Up for the Boot Camp to Learn to Write the Book
You Always Wanted and Start Creating Your Book in Class!
On Day 1, we will teach you Book Writing, Publishing and Marketing. What are the steps to get this started, the requirements, the must have’s to your book, and what it takes to get your book published? Publishing a book online or traditionally.
On Day 2, you will learn to Blog for Business Success. You will learn real strategies, which blog platform to use, how to optimize blogs for the search engines and the use of blogs as a relationship building tool to grow their business.
Lastly on Day 2 – Part 2, You will begin to start your title, outline and first parts of your book. You will create the structure and begin to develop your Book and Blogs. Create content for your book, research and mind-map your book.
Why Write a Book?
- A book will change your life!
- A book is a calling card!
- A book is “Expert” status!
- A book is an ice-breaker!
- A book can earn you a stream of income!
- Yes, You Can Write, Publish and Market a Book!
- Yes, You Can Profit from Your Books!
- Yes, You Can Afford to Publish your Book!
“My workshop is different! Why? Because this workshop is practical! I will show you real steps to successfully Write Your Book, how to Publish it without breaking the bank, and how to profit from your book and it’s accompanying products and services!
This is a hands-on, practical workshop designed to teach you the steps to writing, publishing, and marketing YOUR own bestseller!”
– Manny Sarmiento