
Book Writing, Publishing & Marketing

MEP1 – Book Writing and Publishing:  Do you have a book that you have begun or thinking about writing?  What are the steps to get this started, the requirements, the must haves to your book, and what it takes to get your book published.  Publishing a book online or traditionally. More…


MEP2 – Blogging for Business Success: Participants will learn real strategies of using blogs for business, which blog platform to use, how to optimize blogs for the search engines and the use of blogs as a relationship building tool to grow their business.  More…



Online & Internet Marketing

MEP3 – Social Media Mastery: Understand why you must start using Social Media Marketing. Participants will learn what is Social Media (SM), Social Book Marking (SB), Blogs, Microblogs and how to effectively use Google, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, blogs, PR releases and other social media tools to build a powerful online brand.  More…


MEP4 – SEO Mastery: DIY-SEO – Do It Yourself Web Site Optimization Strategies, During this session participants will learn how to optimize their sites on the web, how to use meta tags, keywords, description, title, <H1>, <H2>, content, alt-tags in the construction of web sites.  Learn the basics of web site hosting, importance of marketing your URL and how to properly set up your web site.  Learn the use of keyword research and image optimization, content. How to, or not, work with a web designer. Website versus blogs, and Social Media optimization, and other important SEO topics.  More…
MEP5 – Email Marketing Advanced: Participant will learn how email marketing – the low-cost marketing tool – can really help you drive your business success. Discover how communicating with your customers regularly can help you stay connected, and generate increased referrals, repeat sales, and unwavering customer loyalty. You’ll learn how to start and build a strong permission-based customer list… get your audience to open, read and act on your email… and use your past results to sharpen your email marketing program as you go along.This practical program gives you a concise, but comprehensive overview of how easy it is to create and send professional-looking email newsletters and promotions.  More…
MEP6 – Design Your Own (DIY) Website Design (WordPress): During this session participants will learn how to optimize their sites on the web, how to use meta tags, keywords, description, title, <H1>, <H2>, content, alt-tags in the construction of web sites.  Learn the basics of web site hosting, importance of marketing your URL and how to properly set up your web site.  Learn the use of keyword research and image optimization, content. How to, or not, work with a web designer. Website versus blogs, and Social Media optimization, and other important SEO topics.  More…



When you are the expert companies and individual will want to spend time with you because you have a way to improve their message and bottom line.  You will need to be ready for that individual and hands on.  You can build references and accolades to help champion your mission.
MEP7 – Coaching for Transformation and Empowerment:  How do you coach?  What must you do when you are coaching and mentoring?  What are the requirements for an amazing coaching call or one on one session.  What is a coach?  How can you make a difference?  Why you should coach?Where you will find customers?  More…
MEP8 – Market Your Coaching & Speaking Business:  Where can you network,  using testimonials to attract more clients.  Build relationships by helping teams and new niches.  Getting referrals will increase your bottom line.  More…

Management and Leadership

MEP9 –  Entrepreneurship:  Starting & Growing a Business:  Define the structure of your business to protect your personal assets and to build a brand.  What must you have to start a business, How do you File your Business Name. How you find an accountant to guide you on tax issues.  More…
MEP10 – Business Management & Leadership:  Motivate your team and what you need to know.  The roles and key areas you must learn.  More…


Public Speaking

a group of courses designed to get you to do quick introduction messages, keynote speeches, Sales Presentations, and Training Seminars to help your clients grow and learn from the expert … You.
MEP11 – Public Speaking & Presentation Skills: You will learn strategies to get your point across, how to use the room, keep everyone in attendance engaged and what content to focus on.  You will work on the venue dynamics and how to use equipment.  More…
MEP12 – Seminar Marketing & Event Planning: Focused on what works and what you need to do at a seminar.  Guide your participants and content requirements.  What must you do before the event.  More…
MEP13 – Video Marketing: Participants will learn the importance of using YouTube and other Social Media Video sites to get their business websites ranked high on the search engines. They will learn how to properly cross utilize video and other video sites and the option for creating video and promoting them on the web.  More…


Practical, Preview, and Feedback Sessions

The practical sessions are feedback panels to help you get the feedback to learn at a faster pace.  Plus, this review session is to help you see what you are doing well and what you missed.
MEP14 – Practical – Deliver Speech Presentation and Panel Feedback:  You will deliver speeches and presentations and have a panel review your message, body language, energy, and give you opportunities to improve.
MEP15 – Practical – Website, SEO, Social Media & Panel Discussions:  You will introduce your website, SEO Plan, and Social Media Strategy to a panel and analyzed for completeness and effectiveness.
MEP16 – Practical – Marketing Plan Presentation and Panel Feedback:  Evaluate your overall plan, what is your customer retention programs, location based marketing, email plan, and full package just like you are the VP of Marketing.



The Bootcamps are designed for the busy professional to pick up 3 to four classes in one weekend.  This is a part of the Full Masters Expert Program and can be taken individually.
MEPBCA – TBA  This will include a jam packed weekend to include:
  • MEP1 – Book Writing, Publishing, and Marketing
  • MEP2- Blogging for Business Success
  • Writing Camp.
MEPBC1 – Bootcamp 1:  Starts Sept 30, 2017 and Oct. 01, 2017   This will include a jam packed weekend with:
  • MEP7 – Coaching for Transformation and Empowerment
  • MEP8 – Market Your Coaching & Speaking Business
  • MEP11 – Public Speaking & Presentation Skills
MEPBC2 – Bootcamp 2:  Starts Dec. 02, 2017 and ends Dec. 02, 2017 which includes:
  • MEP2 – Blogging for Business Success
  • MEP5 – Email Marketing Advanced
  • MEP12 – Seminar Marketing & Event Planning
  • MEP13 – Video Marketing
MEPBC3 – Bootcamp 3:  Starts Feb 3, 2018 and Ends Feb 4, 2018 which includes:
  • MEP3 – Social Media Mastery
  • MEP4 – SEO Mastery
  • MEP6 – Design Your Own (DIY) Website Design (WordPress):

Masters Expert Program Course Syllabus

MEP1 – Book Writing, Publishing & Marketing

Want to Get Published on Kindle? It’s easy!

“How to Write, Publish and Market Your Book in 29 Days or Less” – Miami Workshop

  • A book will change your life!
  • A book is a calling card!
  • A book is “Expert” status!
  • A book is an ice-breaker!
  • A book can earn you a stream of income!
  • Yes, You Can Write, Publish and Market a Book!
  • Yes, You Can Profit from Your Books!
  • Yes, You Can Afford to Publish your Book!

I used to think that it was difficult, expensive and near impossible to write and publish a book. But after I researched it, I found how easy it is! I also learned how to profit from my book and it’s accompanying products.

I’ve been teaching workshops, seminars and classes for over 5 years, usually in Social Media, SEO and Internet Marketing.

I decided to run the “How to Write, Publish and Market Your Book in 29 Days or Less” workshop to teach others how they can do what I did!

My workshop is different! Why? Because this workshop is practical! I will show you real steps to successfully Write Your Book, how to Publish it without breaking the bank, and how to profit from your book and it’s accompanying products and services!

This is a hands-on, practical workshop designed to teach you the steps to writing, publishing, and marketing YOUR own bestseller!

Don’t miss this information-filled  seminar!  LIMITED SEATING!

MEP 2 – Blogging for Business Success
Participants will learn real strategies of using blogs for business, which blog platform to use, how to optimize blogs for the search engines and the use of blogs as a relationship building tool to grow their business.
  • What is a Blog and what is it’s  use?
  • Who uses blogs? (Case studies)
  • Blogs and web site SEO rankings
  • Blogs for business success and marketing
  • Blog Platforms: Blogger, WordPress, TypePad and others
  • Creating blog content
  • Video, Pictures, Twitter
  • Posts and comments
  • Quotes, Articles, Scriptures, Sayings, Goals, etc.
  • Getting Followers
  • Blogging and Giving
  • Q & A

MEP3 – Social Media Marketing (SMM) Mastery Basic & Advanced
Understand why you must start using Social Media Marketing. Participants will learn what is Social Media (SM), Social Book Marking (SB), Blogs, Microblogs and how to effectively use Google, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin, YouTube, blogs, PR releases and other social media tools to build a powerful online brand.
Social Media Marketing (SMM) Mastery Basic & Advanced Strategies,
Social Media (SM), Social Book Marking (SB), Blogs, Microblogs Defined Which SM and SB sites to use?
  • Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Technorati,
  • MySpace, YouTube, and others
  • Why you must start using SMM now!
  • Building a powerful profile
How to use Social Media to drive traffic to your web site
  • It’s All About Building relationships and sales with Social Media
  • Facilitating Follow and Share as a Social Media Strategy
  • Best Social Media strategies to use
  • Using Twitter effectively for business – Hands On
  • Using Facebook effectively for business
  • URLs, Profile, Friends search, groups
Selecting social media – Criteria and strategies
  • Setting up a Proper Twitter account and profile
  • Your Twitter Profile, Design and Background
  • Twitter strategies and uses for business
  • Create relationships – No selling allowed!
  • Adding followers and using searches on
  • Tracking Twitter chatter about your business
Twitter Tools for efficiency
  • Tweetbeeps TweetDeck, HootSuite,
  • Integrating Twitter, Video, Pictures in Facebook
  • Adding Friends and basic searches
Fans and Groups
  • Applications and Timeline
  • iFrame and the CCE Formula
  • Social Plugins and other tools
  • MySpace, LinkedIn and other Necessary Social Media Sites
  • Create a Blog using
  • Ping your Blog
Integrating Twitter, video and pictures in your blog
  • Add your blog to a blog network
  • Where to get content for your blog
  • Social Bookmarking Basics

Social Bookmarking sites selection

  • Using SB sites – Strategies to Drive Traffic and Increase Rankings
  • Social Bookmarking shortcut tools

Google Local & Location-based Search Basics

  • Merchant Circle, Yelp, Foursquare and other
  • Using Online Classified
  • Capture pages vs. direct to your web site traffic
  • Using Craigslist and successfully

Video and YouTube Marketing

  • Video Social Media Integration and Use
  •  Embedding videos in your web site, Facebook or blog
Press Releases Online – Basic Strategies and Uses
  • Sending an online press release using
  • Sharing your Press Release with the internet world
  • Answer “What”, “When”, “Where”, “How” and “Who”?
Article writing for content and web site traffic
  • How to get content for your web sites, blogs or SM sites
  • Become an expert by writing and submitting articles
Social Media Dos and Don’ts
  • Social Media shortcuts and tools for stress free updating
  • “PRLog Share”
  • The Social Media and Marketing Mind Map – Putting it All Together
  • Delicious, Digg, and other Social Bookmarkins Sites


MEP4 – SEO Master
During this session participants will learn how to optimize their sites on the web, how to use meta tags, keywords, description, title, <H1>, <H2>, content, alt-tags in the construction of web sites.  Learn the basics of web site hosting, importance of marketing your URL and how to properly set up your web site.  Learn the use of keyword research and image optimization, content. How to, or not, work with a web designer. Website versus blogs, and Social Media optimization, and other important SEO topics.
  • Web site hosting defined – Servers, text files, prices, hosting options
  • Examining What Google Really Wants
  • Domain names and URL
  • Examine your web site to determine if it’s optimized for search engines
  • Keyword Research
  • The things that must be on your web site for SEO results
  • Meta Tags, Keywords, Description, Title, <H1>, <H2>, Content, Alt-
  • Text Content vs. Flash or Images
  • Using Google Webmaster Tools
  • Working with web designers and developers
  • Options for self-designs and control of your web site
  • The value and importance of valuable content and keywords
  • The least HTML you must know
  • Dos and don’ts of SEO optimization
  • Web sites versus blogs
  • The importance of quality backlinks
  • Sitemaps and Privacy Policy
  • Other Important Topics for Proper SEO Tags

MEP5 – Email Marketing Advanced

Email Marketing Basics Hands-on.  Participant will learn how email marketing – the low-cost marketing tool – can really help you drive your business success.

Discover how communicating with your customers regularly can help you stay
connected, and generate increased referrals, repeat sales, and unwavering
customer loyalty.  You’ll learn how to start and build a strong permission-based customer list… get your audience to open, read and act on your email… and use your past results to
sharpen your email marketing program as you go along.
This practical program gives you a concise, but comprehensive overview of how
easy it is to create and send professional-looking email newsletters and promotions.
Learn the latest best practices for:
  • Email Marketing Basics
  • Building a Quality Email List
  • Creating Valuable Email Content
  • Getting Email Delivered and Read
  • Learning from your results
  • Conducting Online Surveys
  • Incorporating Social Media with your email campaigns
  • How to create contact lists
  • How to begin and email campaign
  • Scheduling, choosing lists and adding social media options
  • Reports and list maintenance
Email Marketing Advanced Techniques
Participants will learn how to use advanced features of Constant Contact, including:
  • Creating HTML Emails
  • Modifying Templates and images
  • Advanced Social Media Tools
  • Creating Surveys
  • Creating and Running Events
  • Other Advanced features and tools of Constant Contact

MEP6 – Design Your Own (DIY) Website Design (WordPress)

In this module students will learn to create a web site. After completing the workshop they will be able to start a web site, design and edit a web site and publish a working web site to your internet service provider. This is a basic course for persons wanting to create a website for their business.

  • Selecting your URL
  • Signing up for web hosting and domain services
  • Design Software Options
  • Using web site creation sites
WordPress for website design
  • Web Site Builder, Snap Pages, etc.
  • 1and1 My Business Site
  • Starting a project
  • Website structure
  • Page properties
  • Adding text
  • Adding pictures
  • Saving pages and your website
  • Basic website strategies

MEP7 – Coaching for Transformation and Empowerment

In this module you will learn to make a coaching a way to improve learning.  Are you aware you can guide others with your real world experiences.  Clients will ask you to vanguard your ideas and expertise.  Content covered in this session include:

  • Requirements for Coaching
  • Certification  needed for Coaching
  • What your responsibility as a Coach is…
  • Strategy of Coaching
  • Ethics

MEP8 – Market Your Coaching & Speaking Business

In this Module you will learn the business side of coaching.  What it takes to market and promote your coaching business.  What you will learn:

  • What your potential fees are.
  • Where you can market
  • Time Management
  • Critical Factors
  • Justify your time and build your name online
  • Synergy of Speaking and Coaching
  • Expert Approach

MEP9 –  Entrepreneurship:  Starting & Growing a Business

Participants will learn to start a new business and manage all the details.  What core areas you need to know as an owner and what legal issues you must consider.

  • File as a Corporation, Partnership, Sole Proprietor
  • Taxes
  • Financials
  • Business Plans
  • Equity
  • Payroll
  • Borrow Money
  • Insurance
  • Liability

MEP10 – Business Management & Leadership

Learn the core components of managing and leading a company.  What direction you need to take.  What added education and details you must learn when you grow.  The core parts of this module are:

  • Leadership vs Management
  • Metrics
  • Benchmarks
  • Guidance in your industry
  • Company Vision and Mission
  • Where you can learn more
  • What makes a difference
  • Going Big and Scaling
  • Reductions

MEP11 – Public Speaking & Presentation Skills

Participants will learn effective and different styles of presentation.  Integrate the skills to communicate to medium and large groups.  Create messages that will motivate your clients to make decisions.

  • Build Confidence
  • Practice and Feedback are the Keys
  • Use Body Language with  Purpose
  • Focus on what impacts your Clients
  • Elements and Requirements
  • What really resonates with the audience.

MEP12 – Seminar Marketing & Event Planning

Participants will learn how to effectively use online and offline resources to build media relationships through press releases, media outlets, Social Networking and Local Events tools and other means to promote their events.
  • Planning Your Event
  • Event Checklist
  • Logistics
  • Budgeting
  • Scheduling
  • Event Registration Systems
  • Marketing
  • Using Checklists
  • Email, Social Media, Press Releases, Calendar Listings
  • Pre-event, Post Event

MEP13 – Video Marketing

Participants will learn the importance of using YouTube and other Social Media Video sites to get their business websites ranked high on the search engines. They will learn how to properly cross utilize video and other video sites and the option for creating video and promoting them on the web.

  • What is
  • The importance of marketing with video
  • Online exposure
  • Video trend and explosive growth
  • Web site SEO ranking
  • Event marketing
  • Differentiate yourself from your competitors
  • Costs of creating videos
  • Video on a budget
  • Tools for creating videos
  • Integration with your web site or blog
  • Your own Youtube Channel


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